Wednesday, 12 April 2017

స్త్రీ కాలి బొటనవేలితో ఇలాచేస్తే సర్వనాశనమే! || What happens if a lady rubs her thumb on the ground?

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స్త్రీ కాలి బొటనవేలితో ఇలాచేస్తే సర్వనాశనమే! || What happens if a lady rubs her thumb on the floor?

As per hindu belief, Women Are Honored Where, Divinity Blossoms There (Yatra Naryastu Pujyante, Ramante Tatra Devata) - Rigveda and such women have the power of destroying everything.

In the above video we have explained one such power of woman. Please go through and if you like the video, please like and subscribe to our channel...

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